I also remember having high expectations with this city. It had always been a dream of mine to live in Boston. When I visited for the first time as a high school student, I fell madly in love with this town. It was a big city with a homey feel. It was walkable! It had amazing restaurants, parks, architecture, history. I could use public transportation. It was close to the water. It had a diverse community. It was not too far from other exciting cities... So once I got my acceptance letter from Boston University's grad program, I couldn't had been more pumped.
It's funny that my biggest concern when I moved was: will I get bored? I remember worrying about the fact that I wouldn't have things to do, plans for the weekend or people to hang out with. Let's just say that I have been busy every weekend since.
So much has happened in the last 10 years. I graduated grad school. I created life-long friendships. I met and married the love of my life. I moved to 6 different apartments. I became a homeowner (and hopefully won't have to move for the next 10 years). I traveled to Europe, Asia and South America. I managed to land a job at the biggest advertising agency in Boston. Let's just say that this city has treated me pretty well.
I'm happy to get to call Boston my home and I'm looking forward to our next 10 years together.
All the pics are from my Instagram.
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